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7th Player Program changes

Dear Minor Hockey Players and Families,

We are excited to announce some changes to the Coquitlam Express 7th Player Program. Despite BC Hockey’s rule that prohibits minor hockey players from going on the ice during the starting lineup, we are committed to providing an unforgettable experience for these young athletes.

As part of the program, minor hockey players will still receive a signed jersey, a special dressing room tour, a meet n’ greet with our players, and the opportunity to watch warmup at ice level. These experiences aim to inspire and motivate these aspiring hockey players as they witness the dedication and skill of our team.

To ensure compliance with BC Hockey’s regulations, we have modified the program to offer minor hockey players the chance to drop the puck instead of going on the ice during the starting lineup, if BC Hockey changes their rules and allows Minor Hockey Players to be on the ice, we will offer the starting lineup opportunity again. This allows them to actively participate in the game and be a part of the pre-game excitement.

We understand the importance of fostering a strong relationship with minor hockey players who dream of one day wearing the Express jersey. The 7th Player Program serves as a bridge between our team and these young athletes, encouraging their passion for the sport and providing them with a glimpse into the world of junior hockey.

We are proud to continue offering this program and look forward to welcoming many talented minor hockey players to our games. Together, we can inspire the next generation of hockey stars and create lasting memories for these young athletes.

Tali Campbell